Advocating to expand options for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD)


Uniting to protect and advance the rights of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) to live, work and thrive in a community or setting of their choice.


We offer educational resources and support on housing, services, regulations, and policies related to individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD).

An illustration of houses and buildings that represent a community in muted pastel colors.

Our Network of Trusted Organization Members

+ many more
What we do

Protecting and advancing the rights of individuals with I/DD

Create educational resources

We create and provide educational resources to help you navigate the complexities of I/DD housing, services, regulations, and policies.

Build a coalition of different choices

We support and advocate for the diverse voices of the I/DD community.

Advocate for different needs and preferences

We believe that individuals with I/DD have a right to choose from a wide array of residential, vocational and service options and that the role of government is to support that choice.

Our Impact


We have 3,500 Individual and Organization Members in 50 States, demonstrating the national needs for community choice for people with I/DD.


Our organization members collectively serve over 25,800 individuals with I/DD.


There are more than 124+ organizations, individuals with I/DD, families, service providers, advocacy organizations, emerging housing groups, consulting firms and trade organizations.

Get Involved

Be the voice for individuals with I/DD

Become a Member

Join Together for Choice and amplify our voice in state and federal legislatures. A strong membership base gives us the leverage we need to advocate effectively for individual choice.

Participate and Advocate

Stay informed, share your knowledge, and make your voice heard. Join our frequent webinars for valuable information and live Q&A. We also connect families with legislators to share their stories and provide action items to influence policy.


Make a difference in the lives of individuals with I/DD. Your tax-deductible donation to TFC directly supports our advocacy, education, and outreach efforts. Give today and be a part of the change.

Upcoming Webinar Events

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Check us out on YouTube

To see our webinars from 2023 and earlier, follow us on YouTube.

Residential options

We crowdsource residential options and accumulate a list in our housing directory to help family of individuals with I/DD find the broadest array of high quality residential and vocational options that best suit their needs.

Want to connect with organization members from all 50 States?

Together for Choice has members in all 50 states, demonstrating the national need for community choice for people with I/DD.

Join our movement today!

We must come together and advocate for high-quality life options for people with I/DD.