Uniting to create and expand options for individuals with I/DD to thrive

Our mission
Uniting to protect and advance the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to live, work and thrive in a community or setting of their choice.
Our vision
Our vision is for individuals with developmental disabilities to have the same rights as everyone else to decide where to live, work, recreate and receive services.
Advocating at the federal level to bring the best choice for I/DD
TFC’s basic position is that the individual and their family know best what type of residential and vocational programs and opportunities best meet their needs and preferences. The role of government, federal and state, should be to support all quality residential and vocational options, allowing the individual and his or her family to choose the option they prefer. By doing so, the government treats individuals with disabilities the same as those who do not have disabilities.
Individuals with disabilities should have that same right. This is the essential message of the Supreme Court’s decision in Olmstead and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Both have at their core the fundamental principle that individuals with disabilities should have the same right as everyone else to choose the life they wish to live. The role of government is to support that choice, not to limit choice.

Our Community

We have members all 50 states. Together, we advocate for choice at local, regional, and national levels. Our organization members collectively serve over 25,800 individuals with I/DD. We come together to meet with state and federal legislators, regulators and other key decision makers across the country. We also organize in-person and online national, regional and local events.
We stand for the proposition that individuals with developmental disabilities should have the same rights as everyone else to decide where to live, work, recreate and receive services.
Join our movement today!
We must come together and advocate for high-quality life options for people with I/DD.