Join our membership

Become a Part of Our Reach

Growing number of supporters allow Together for Choice to continue to advocate for quality residential, employment, and other community options.

Membership rules will be strictly enforced

*Annual Membership runs from July 1 - June 30

What is an individual membership?

For individuals with I/DD, their families, allies and concerned citizens. Individuals representing an organization described in the "Organization Membership" category do not qualify for individual memberships.

What is an organization membership?

For representatives of organizations including, but not limited to: service providers for individuals with I/DD, advocacy organizations, emerging housing groups, consulting firms, trade organizations.

How does Organization pricing work?

$1,200 For organization with annual revenue greater than $10 million
$600 For organization with annual revenue between $5-$10 million
$135 For organization with annual revenue less than $5 million
You are an
Join an Individual
Access to a national network of like-minded advocates
National Representation
Invitation to participate in our advocacy efforts nationwide
Access to members toolkits for meeting with legistators and other policy makers.
Access to exclusive member events
Informative webinar events
Educational articles
Legislative and regulatory updates
You are an
Join as an organization
Renew my organization
Access to a national network of like-minded advocates and organizations
National Representation
Invitation to participate in our advocacy efforts nationwide
Access to members toolkits for meeting with legistators and other policy makers.
Access to exclusive member events.
Informative webinar events
Educational articles
Legislative and regulatory updates
Technical support and resources for organization members

Member's thoughts

Together for Choice has provided me with the tools and confidence to advocate for our community effectively. The resources available to members are extensive, and the sense of camaraderie among us is inspiring. I highly recommend joining this organization to anyone looking to make a positive impact.

Sarah Davis
Woodside Organization

Joining Together for Choice was one of the best decisions I've made. The organization fosters a sense of belonging and purpose. The initiatives we undertake together have a real impact, and I am proud to be part of a team that is dedicated to making a difference.

Michael Brown
Oklahoma heart

Want to connect with organization members from all 50 States?

Together for Choice has members in all 50 states, demonstrating the national need for community choice for people with I/DD.